Monday 25 May 2009

Take care of your Acne with Aloe Vera

Purchase aloe vera Gel. FLP is the best which you can get from Aloe Vera Express ( see end of blog)Drink 4 ml cup of aloe vera juice everyday to help flush toxins from the body that slow the healing and regeneration of skin to help improve acne scars.

Step 2
Wash areas of your body affected by acne twice a day with a aloe vera soap. Massage the soap gently into affected areas and then rinse with warm water and pat dry.Once again FLP have this soap in their store

Step 3
Soak a cotton ball with aloe vera Frist after washing and use to gently wipe away any oils that remain on the skin.

Step 4
Squeeze a bit of Aloe Vera gel and dab the gel onto scars and acne after washing your face thoroughly. Not only will the gel reduce inflammation and irritation, it will speed healing of acne and promote the regeneration of skin to reduce the appearance of scars.

Step 5

Enjoy a warm aloe bath with Aloe Bath Gelee once or twice a week to help reduce pimples and treat acne scars on areas other than your face. Soak for 15 or 20 minutes before washing the area with aloe vera soap and rinsing thoroughly. Pat the skin dry and then add a light layer of aloe vera gel or aloe frist.

and there you have your natural Acne skin care treatment with Aloe Vera

Take a look at Aloe Vera for your daily skin Acne

Thursday 21 May 2009

Acne a rising phenomenon

How times change and not always for the better...more people have Acne find out why, have a look at the following:

Aloe Vera will help your acne

Take a look at Aloe Vera for your daily skin Acne

Monday 11 May 2009

Aloe Vera is very good for the skin

Aloe vera is very good for the skin,it's natural and not just an anti-inflammatory. It will cool a sunburn, it will soothe an insect bite or a bee sting. It's good for a windburn and chapped skin,and can have an impact on the deeper layers of skin, making it a very good natural product to help with Acne.What will also help to heal Acne is :Exercise because it will get the blood circulating, which will help heal any wound. You will noticed times when you heal faster because of exercising.

Take a look at Aloe Vera for your daily skin Acne

Thursday 7 May 2009

Aloe Vera is very powerful tool against Acne

Aloe vera has a powerful anti-inflammatory action, as well as being anti-bacterial. It:

* Lessens skin redness
* Reduces swelling
* Has natural astringent properties which help to keep oiliness under control
* May help to reduce scarring
* Kills acne-causing bacteria
* Can relieve the pain associated with more serious acne

Do you have a teenager? Buy them Aloe Vera here to protected their skin:
buy your Aloe Vera Products Here

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Aloe Vera and Acne

Top Product Tip
My 13 year old suffers with teenage spots and I put some Aloe Activator on the affected area. The following morning the spots around his chin had all disappeared. He now uses Aloe Activator at least once a week.
Sent in by Paul Donnelly

Do you have a teenager? Buy them Aloe Vera here to protected their skin:
buy your Aloe Vera Products Here

Monday 4 May 2009

Can Aloe Vera Clear Acne?

Acne Cure - Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies and other Treatments

Acne is a very common skin ailment found mostly in the period of puberty. It is more common in women than in men. Acne is characterized by the presence of eruptions on the skin, which are commonly known as zits or pimples.

Acne is a sign of the impurity within the body. The impurity could be in the blood, which manifests itself externally as acne. If the blood is impure, then the sebaceous (sweat) glands will have to work harder in eliminating these wastes. This hyperactivity of the sweat glands causes acne.

Hormonal imbalances are very important causes of acne. During puberty there are major hormonal changes in the body, as also during each menstrual cycle of women. Therefore, these are important periods when acne can occur. People who consume steroids for any reason also stand a higher chance of getting acne.

In Ayurveda, acne is known as Yauvan pidika. It is classified as both a vataja and a kaphaja. Any increase in the dhaatus of rakta and medha are responsible in a major way for the formation of acne.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Acne

1. Almond (Amygdalus communis)
The almond replenishes the lost nutrients from the skin. Thus it makes the skin healthier, which is an important step in reducing acne.

2. Aloe vera (Aloe vera)
Aloe vera is widely recognized to be one of the most effective herbs in the treatment of acne. It is an important ingredient in most cosmetic products also. Aloe vera can remove the marks that acne leaves behind, and it gives a moist shiny sheen to the skin.

3. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)
Bergamot is an age-old Ayurvedic remedy to treat skin problems. On the face, it is especially useful in the treatment of rashes and acne.

4. Indian blackberry (Syzygium cumini)
Popularly known as jamun or jambula in India, this blackberry has a purple juice. The purple juice has an alkaline content which can reduce the pus formation in the pimples. Thus, jamun prevents the acne from spreading and also checks its further outbreaks.

5. Sandalwood (Santalum album)
The sandalwood is a fragrant herb which is looked upon with utmost reverence in Ayurveda. It has a religious significance. In the human body, it can produce a cooling effect and treat the blood of its impurities. Owing to this, sandalwood can treat acne among its many other uses.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Acne

Acne is directly dependent on the diet, since it is a blood impurity. It is absolutely necessary to keep the blood clean so that the facial skin does not become a victim of ungainly pimples.

Maintain a healthy dietary regime. Oily and spicy foods can aggravate the acne. Foods that are beneficial for acne are green leafy vegetables, salad vegetables and fruits that have good water content in them. Foods that are difficult to digest can aggravate the acne.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatment for Acne

Ayurvedic methods do not use any thick pastes for the treatment of acne for the simple reason that these pastes can clog the pores further, leading to aggravation of the pimples. Instead, mild and thin pastes of the following herbs are prescribed:-
1. Guduchi
2. Shatavari
3. Sarsaparilla

The preparation Arogyavardhini also has good effects in the treatment of pimples.

(4) Home Medications

There are many household remedies that can be used to control the condition. Most of these remedies are external applications, but some of them are also meant to be taken orally.

1. Mix the husk of mustard seeds in paste form with cow’s milk. Apply this mixture on the affected areas every night and wash it off thoroughly in the morning. The eruptions should disappear within a week.

2. Application of buttermilk on the affected regions is also helpful.

3. Prepare a mixture of nutmeg and red sandalwood in water. Apply this mixture on the face.

4. Mix the pulp of the neem fruit in water and apply it on the face. This application provides quicker but temporary relief from the pimples.

5. Application of a paste of thorns of the semolina in milk for three consecutive nights will help reduce the eruptions.

6. A very simple and cheap remedy is to apply the paste of orange peels on the face.

7. Indian plum or jambola must be squeezed in water and this paste must be applied on the affected part. This is more effective in the pimples which appear in early youth.

8. One traditional method to keep acne away is to wash the face twice or thrice a day with buttermilk. This is also believed to increase the glow on the face.

9. Apart from this, the following points must be borne in mind:-

10. Maintain proper facial hygiene. This can be done by washing the face at least thrice a day. Use lemon soap for washing. It is very important to wash the face after returning home from outside.

11. Keep your mind stress-free. Stress can release more hormones, which would exacerbate the acne.

About the Author: Read More on acne cureby Ayurveda and Acne Home Remedies at

Read more about Ayurveda at World's Largest Portal on Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Remedies. - The Free Ayurvedic Encyclopedia

More articles by tomalter

Take a look at Aloe Vera for your daily skin Acne

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Can Aloe Vera Clear Acne

Can Aloe Vera Clear Acne?

The aloe plant is very much a household name and it has been used for medicinal purposes since practically the beginning of time before modern medicine became more readily available. In the olden days people used Aloe Vera for medicinal purposes such as treating gun shot wounds or knife wounds and also for burns, because of its medicinal qualities which enable it to regenerate skin and rebuild scarred damaged skin areas. Aloe also works as an anti-inflammatory agent as well as boosting the immune system thus aiding in the treatment of acne.

You can also treat acne by either using soaps with aloe vera based properties or aloe vera gel or cream. You should wash your face with these soaps at least twice a day in the morning and before you go to bed at night. After washing your face you should not rub but pat it dry with a wash cloth which should only be used for your face, do not use a towel that you use to bathe with as this is not considered a sanitary exercise. After washing your face you should use a topical aloe vera gel or cream product which you can apply to any inflamed or infected areas of the skin.

Although acne cannot be cured by aloe vera based products, symptoms such as flaky skin, redness and swelling will reduce with constant use. There is also an aloe vera liquid which can be applied to the face which is effective in removing excess oils. After applying the aloe vera liquid to your face, you should then rinse it off with an aloe vera based soap. When this type of cleaning is applied to the face you would have received all the benefits of the medicinal components of the aloe vera treatment, leaving your skin looking fresh and clean and should be free from any more breakouts.

There are a variety of aloe vera products that are available and can be easily obtained for the use of different types of skin disorders. These products are safe to use and can be purchased without a prescription. Aloe Vera products act as a moisturizer to revitalize and restore the lost moisture on your face by hydrating the skin. Aloe vera products can be used on all types of skin, because it provides a natural glow to the face giving it a healthy sheen. Other aloe vera products that can be applied to the face include sunscreens, facial powder, creams, lotions, gels, exfoliating cleansers and facial masks.

About the Author: For more interesting information and resources on acne visit a website offering tips, advice and resources on topics such as acne problems, acne scar treatments, acne chemical peels, using aloe vera acne and even acne diets.

Take a look at Aloe Vera for your daily skin Acne